傲慢与偏见1_第138章 首页

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“This is a wretched beginning indeed!My sole dependence was on you;and I am sure nobody else will believe me,if you do not. Yet,indeed,I am in earnest.I speak nothing but the truth.He still loves me,and we are engaged.”

“You are joking,Lizzy.This cannot be!―engaged to Mr.Darcy! No,no,you shall not deceive me.I know it to be impossible.”

“I advise Mr.Darcy,and Lizzy,and Kitty,”said Mrs.Bennet,“to walk to Oakham Mount this morning.It is a nice long walk,and Mr.Darcy has never seen the view.”

“Oh, yes!You will only think I feel more than I ought to do, when I tell you all.”

At night she opened her heart to Jane.Though suspicion was very far from Miss Bennet's general habits, she was absolutely incredulous here.

Kitty owned that she had rather stay at home.Darcy professed a great curiosity to see the view from the Mount,and Elizabeth silently consented.As she went upstairs to get ready,Mrs.Bennet followed her,saying:

“What do you mean?”


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