赶狐_see you again 首页

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Be broke and the love will never get lost*2


How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?

And now you gonna be with me for the last ride Let the light guide your way hold every memory


When I see you again Damn who knew all the planes we flew Good things we've been through


How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got? Everything I went through

As you go and every road you take will always lead you home


When that line had to be drawn and that line is what We reach so remember me when I'm gone*2

Small turn to a friendship a friendship Turn into a bond and that bond will never

We've come a long way from where we began Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

Those were the days hard work forever pays Now I see you in a better place*2

听我妈说,她怀我之前曾经当过电影放映员,以是我从小就对音乐和画面感的东西很有靠近感。自我打动的时候当然少不了听音乐。特别写焦裕录永诀李建国寻觅初恋候野棠在崖顶和赵铭那几段,我几近都是在听《see you again》写完的。今早吃完早餐又翻起了这首歌,仍然打动不已。


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