海贼王之帝姬_第一百四十四章 Not a Dead END 首页

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船医先生的声音,听起来很落拓,仿佛一点的压力都没有,“船长,我们现在在level 6,请唆使,level 6的雨之希留如何措置?”

break out!

we are the tiper

nothing's gonna ge with you in the world


i meet you at your story

yes! they are in the same time

you die for someone?

do you kill your friends, if youfulfill your wish?

the future has been over

it is a prologue of collapse

save my life! save your life!

nothing's gonna ge with you in the world

why do you o live?



everything will be decided by the rules

death is a frat's all how do you think?


my words in your virtual vision


i wanhe stars with you

over the miracle



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